Name: Eternitie Freedom-luis Jimeñez-Garcia
Age: 16 years old
birthday: september 11th 2004
:grade level: junior at central dewitt high school
class year: class of 2022
hpbbies; painting, drawing, acherey, photography, bike riding, makeup, song-writing, and art education
why do i pick certain paintings?
i pick certain topics to paint about because they need to be brough to peoples attention. i picked the harder subjects for people to talk about. i talk about the things soicety doesnt like talking about, keep in mind this portfoilo isnt just for highschool classes, i use it for college as well wich means there are going to be selective languages and artwork. things that i feel poeple dont talk about enough in this world.
why do i choose to do this style of artwork?
i choose this style of artwork because it idenfites the world better, its a mixture of surrealism and realism but its never one or the others, its always mixed to keep the viewers intrested.
what do i want to do after highschool?
i plan to go to RMCAD art college in denver colorado to study photography, fine arts, music production, and art education. i want to be an art teacher as well as helping foster kids through the hard times, as well as help homeless teenagers out of a potenial bad situation.