Advance Studio 2021- 2022
august 2021
title: for julian
memorial has been a big theme in alot of my art this year. on august 4th 2021 my friend juilian was shot and killed on his way home from the store he was eating a peice of cholocate. people are so evil when they take a life for no reason he was 18 years old about to enter his senoir year of highschool he had just. got his first car. rest peace juilian class of 2022
12x24 acrylic canvas, spring 2021
title: Letting Go
greif is a very hard thing for people to go through, when you loose someone it is very hard to move forward because in some cases you feel like you are abandoning them. but when you finally move on and find peace within yourself is when the person you lost will find peace on the other side. her name is maddy kadets she died on apirl. 28th 2019 in a car rollover on the east bound i-25 ramp heading into denver colorado. 2 years ago i lost my bestfriend, my anchor, the light in the darkness. but today i finally found peace and im ready to move forward. but i will not forget her because she is still in my heart and i will always make art that refernces her light. always and forever, this is maddys world.
Spring 2022
title- finding peace in the darkness
the peice that you see is my landscape painting representing how you can find peace in the darkness, the ocean represents the peace that you feel. the moutians represent the pain life will bring.
spring 2022
title- senoir project
for my senoir project i deicided to paint a ceiling tile for my LA teacher. her class is about to start there romeo and juilet. the crest is inspired by the harry potter hogwarts creast sence in the movies
Spring 2022
Title: Media twards a survivor
everyone knows that after a truamatic experince becomes public the survivor of the experiance will get attacked and harrased. this is because the media will twist and turn everything that happend in order to make the survivor look like its their fault. instead of listening and understanding what happen people will then take it into their own hands and make things worse by talking about it to their friends. this art peice shows you a small amount of what people go through by using uncensored words like "slut" and "whore" because that is what media often uses to describe female survivors. i also used brusing on the eye and arms in order to give the famale in the painting more depth. so you can see what happend and determine what people on soical media might say about her. i want the viewer to put themselves in a situation where this is there classmate. what would you do? would you make it worse? or try to make it better?
Spring 2022
title: "Its almost over"
as we draw closer to the final weeks, days, and hours of the class of 2022 senoirs's last year. we start to feel the saying
"its almost over". we start seeing the seniors get nervous, excited, maybe even scared for what waits ahead. some are saying there goodbyes to their friend groups while others are planning for the futre with their friend groups. couples are preparing for the mental strain to come as they began packing for colleges. parents are preparing to see their kids walk that stage and graduate. but us seniors are starting to feel every emotion as we prepare to walk the halls one last time, walk that stage and wave goodbye to our teachers and highschool. this is what the paitning shows you. the sun is rising as your next chapter begins.
fall 2021
title: mix media art
the idea that every art peice is perfect in its own way makes every artist feel secure and welcomed. maybes its because art is most of the time the outlet to our mental health and emotion health. or maybe its because sterotypical artist in highschool is veiwed as outsiders. the ones who have pent up anger and emotions of being exculded from everything. even through 2022 has shown to erase those lables some artist fit in that sterotype a little who perfectly.
Spring 2022
Ttile:beauty is pain
every girl is determind to have the perfect skin,body,hair,voice,nails. because that is what typically is shown to attract guys espically in highschool. so we touture ours selves in order to fit that perfect image of what our crush wants us to look like. as well as what soiciety expects us to look and dress like. the eye is pinkish-greyish representing beauty and pain. the red and pink tears that are streaming down the painting represents the pain and weight of being a girl in the 2020s is hard and traumatizing and many people wouldnt understand.